On this day, June 13, 2015, I pass the baton to the next generation to continue our struggle until liberation is done. I say to you take the baton and continue our fight for eternity until we are in the seat of God. In the spirit of my teacher Sun Ra, discipline is the key, not freedom, discipline.
Marvin X says all young brothers and sisters must listen to the Sun Ra lectures given at the University of California, Berkeley, 1971, see Youtube and/or www.blackbirdpressnews.blogspot.com
As per 2015, no one can equal the philosophical thought of Master Teacher Sun Ra. For sure the UC Berkeley lectures are not enough to encompass the vision of Sun Ran, with whom Marvin X was a student and artistic associate. "Master Sun Ra taught me many things. Some I recounted recently at the University of Chicago. I was so honored to perform a concert with the surviving members of the Sun Ra Arkestra, leader Marshall Allen, 91 years old, and Danny Thompson, a youngster but in fact the enforcer of the Arkestra!
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San Francisco Juneteenth,
June 13, 2015
The living legend Fillmore Slim who always taught brothers to keep their day job, cause pimpin' ain't easy. Marvin X quoted Fillmore in the Mythology of Pussy and Dick, the 18 page pamphlet on deconstructing the male/female crisis of those suffering from the addiction to white supremacy mythology, especially the patriarchal mythology that says women are chattel property (personal property) of men.
According to Marvin X, marriage laws cannot transcend natural laws as per the birds and bees. Let's be honest, men are predators by nature, they seek to conquer and control, i.e., dominate, rule. But if truth be told, and it must, the patriarchal mythology must be cast into the dustbin of history. History itself must be cast into the dustbin and replaced with the Sun Ra Mythology of Mystery or My story/her story, for sure, no more history (his story).
Distinguished persons at Academy of da Corner; brother seeking manhood training. Since he's already read Mythology of Pussy and Dick, Marvin gave him a copy of Drs. Nathan and Julia Hare's Crisis in Black Sexual Politics. Marvin X considers this collection of essays by a variety of writers an excellent followup to Mythology of Pussy and Dick. Here is a list of contributors: Nathan Hare, Julia Hare, Haki Madhubuti, Na'im Akbar, Maulana Karenga, Joseph Scott, James Stewart, Harold Cruse, Robert Staples, Jawanza Kunjufu, John Henrik Clarke, Bebe Moore Campbell, Alex Swan, et al.
Other brothers are retired judge Corbett, also a San Francisco State University student warrior, along with SFSU student/warrior Terri Collings, GM of KPOO Radio, the People's station in San Francisco.
Marvin X can go on KPOO anytime anyday and speak his truth as long as he desires. Ancestor Joe Rudolph founded KPOO and when he joined the ancestors, left behind an institution for eternity, KPOO. All praise due Joe Rudolph, who taught Marvin X how to talk on the radio. In his last conversation with Marvin X, Joe called Marvin X over to a tree in Oakland's Mosswood Park. He whispered in Marvin's ear: "Marvin, ain't gonna be no mo' like us, is it?" Marvin X responded, "No, Joe, ain't no mo' like us."
Dr. Nathan Hare says there is addiction to white supremacy type I and type II: Yes, I am addicted to type II. Call me Filthy McNasty! But passion is the nature of the poet. I shall not deny passion. See my Parable of Creativity and Sexuality.
A Russian woman came by Academy of da Corner, Fillmore Juneteenth, and when she saw the Master Poet (USA's Rumi, says Bob Holmsn), (Plato teaching on the streets of Oakland, Ishmael Reed), collating his Mythology, she told him I did that for thirty years as a job. When Marvin playfully doubted her, she said let me show you, and she sat down to collate several copies of his MOPD, until he was convinced she knew what she was doing. Then she departed.
Marvin X says all young brothers and sisters must listen to the Sun Ra lectures given at the University of California, Berkeley, 1971, see Youtube and/or www.blackbirdpressnews.blogspot.com
As per 2015, no one can equal the philosophical thought of Master Teacher Sun Ra. For sure the UC Berkeley lectures are not enough to encompass the vision of Sun Ran, with whom Marvin X was a student and artistic associate. "Master Sun Ra taught me many things. Some I recounted recently at the University of Chicago. I was so honored to perform a concert with the surviving members of the Sun Ra Arkestra, leader Marshall Allen, 91 years old, and Danny Thompson, a youngster but in fact the enforcer of the Arkestra!
Dear Friends, Supporters, and Programming Editors:
Regarding the attached media releases, please consider promoting and covering the Berkeley Juneteenth Festival taking place on Sunday, June 21, 2015, from 11am-7pm, in the city of Berkeley
2015 participants, please note on your social sites your performance at the Berkeley Juneteenth Festival.
We are accepting vendor applications up to the day of the event.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Delores Nochi Cooper
Publicity Chair
Berkeley Juneteenth Association, Inc.
FYI, Marvin X will
speak/read and autograph books
at Berkeley Juneteenth.
Look for his booth near Alcatraz and Harmon Streets.
Marvin X rocked the Sacramento Black Book Fair--Sacramento will never be the same--better "ax" somebody! He's on fire with truth!
He is a truth talker supreme
His friends have joined the ancestors:
Amiri Baraka
Sun Ra
Eldridge Cleaver
Huey Newton
Mae Mallory
Queen Mother Moore
Sam Napier
Lil Bobby Hutton
John Huggins
Alprintice Bunchy Carter
He is a truth talker supreme
His friends have joined the ancestors:
Amiri Baraka
Sun Ra
Eldridge Cleaver
Huey Newton
Mae Mallory
Queen Mother Moore
Sam Napier
Lil Bobby Hutton
John Huggins
Alprintice Bunchy Carter
San Francisco Juneteenth,
June 13, 2015
The living legend Fillmore Slim who always taught brothers to keep their day job, cause pimpin' ain't easy. Marvin X quoted Fillmore in the Mythology of Pussy and Dick, the 18 page pamphlet on deconstructing the male/female crisis of those suffering from the addiction to white supremacy mythology, especially the patriarchal mythology that says women are chattel property (personal property) of men.
According to Marvin X, marriage laws cannot transcend natural laws as per the birds and bees. Let's be honest, men are predators by nature, they seek to conquer and control, i.e., dominate, rule. But if truth be told, and it must, the patriarchal mythology must be cast into the dustbin of history. History itself must be cast into the dustbin and replaced with the Sun Ra Mythology of Mystery or My story/her story, for sure, no more history (his story).
Distinguished persons at Academy of da Corner; brother seeking manhood training. Since he's already read Mythology of Pussy and Dick, Marvin gave him a copy of Drs. Nathan and Julia Hare's Crisis in Black Sexual Politics. Marvin X considers this collection of essays by a variety of writers an excellent followup to Mythology of Pussy and Dick. Here is a list of contributors: Nathan Hare, Julia Hare, Haki Madhubuti, Na'im Akbar, Maulana Karenga, Joseph Scott, James Stewart, Harold Cruse, Robert Staples, Jawanza Kunjufu, John Henrik Clarke, Bebe Moore Campbell, Alex Swan, et al.
Other brothers are retired judge Corbett, also a San Francisco State University student warrior, along with SFSU student/warrior Terri Collings, GM of KPOO Radio, the People's station in San Francisco.
Marvin X can go on KPOO anytime anyday and speak his truth as long as he desires. Ancestor Joe Rudolph founded KPOO and when he joined the ancestors, left behind an institution for eternity, KPOO. All praise due Joe Rudolph, who taught Marvin X how to talk on the radio. In his last conversation with Marvin X, Joe called Marvin X over to a tree in Oakland's Mosswood Park. He whispered in Marvin's ear: "Marvin, ain't gonna be no mo' like us, is it?" Marvin X responded, "No, Joe, ain't no mo' like us."
Juneteenth visitors at X's Academy of da Corner Tent
Oh, the Mythology of Pussy and Dick. I am so thankful I am out of the box of Western patriarchal sexual suppression. I love my body and all bodies in their natural state of beauty and truth. Once you leave America, you see other people are not as sexually repressed as Americans, Black and White. Americans are sick with sexual repression and totally confused about their sexual identity, when gender is, yes, the ultimate decision in gender identity formation. Traditionally, gender identity formation is established in womanhood and manhood training rituals. In the absence of manhood and womanhood training rites and rituals, there is gender identity confusion leading to madness.
But Kujichagulia says, "If you think I'm just a physical thing, wait til you see the spiritual power I bring!" FYI, Marvin X loves the physicality and spirituality of the Black African Goddess of the Universe. Somebody better say ACHE! up in here!
For sure, I have transcended the western mythology of sexual repression that so many North American Africans are addicted to as a result of White supremacy socialization.
For sure, I have transcended the western mythology of sexual repression that so many North American Africans are addicted to as a result of White supremacy socialization.
Russian woman joins Marvin X Fan Club at
Fillmore Juneteenth, 2015
Fillmore Slim, singer, manager of women, with his protege Gangsta Brown
Marvin X supports these brothers in what they do of righteousness! When they showed up at his Tenderloin Black Radical Book Fair with original narratives of their life travels, Dr. Julia Hare told them to not feel guilty about their pimping life because, "We have ecclesiastical pimps as well."
Marvin X
will perform and autograph books
at Berkeley Juneteenth
Sunday, June 21, 2015
be there or be square
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Dear Friends, Supporters, and Programming Editors:
Regarding the attached media releases, please consider promoting and covering the Berkeley Juneteenth Festival taking place on Sunday, June 21, 2015, from 11am-7pm, in the city of Berkeley
2015 participants, please note on your social sites your performance at the Berkeley Juneteenth Festival.
We are accepting vendor applications up to the day of the event.
Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Delores Nochi Cooper
Publicity Chair
Berkeley Juneteenth Association, Inc.
FYI, Marvin X will speak and autograph books at Berkeley Juneteenth. Look for his booth!
Marvin X is on fire.
Let him wake up your city
Most recently Marvin X rocked the University of Chicago Sun Ra Conference
the University of California, Merced
Professor McMillan's Theatre and Social Justice class
The Sacramento Black Book Fair
San Francisco Juneteenth Festival in the Fillmore
up next
the Berkeley Juneteenth Festival
the Oakland Juneteenth in North Oakland at the Youth Center
Book Marvin X as a speaker at your event
Must have a freedom of speech clause in contract
including honorarium, travel, lodging, food
Will speak and read coast to coast
especially in the Dirty South, Midwest, East coast