Alone We are Talented. Together We are Powerful. Visit We've added new benefits for members, including new tools to help you publicize your work. Our advocacy is just as strong as ever. Plus, we now have one-click access to gift memberships so you can gift a future journalism school graduate or freelance writer with the most valuable gift he or she could ever get. Or consider just donating to NWU. That's why we're reaching out to you, a past member of NWU.Rejoin the NWU and get tools to build your career and build a movement of writers, freelancers, and journalists. Renew your membership to NWU and:
Any writer can join NWU, even if you don’t have a byline, are a student, or just write as part of your normal job. Visit and learn about how to join or support, join, or give the gift of membership to a writer you care about. If you itemize your taxes, dues may be tax deductable. Dues calculated on a sliding scale based on writing income. |
Writers: Join the National Writers Union