Parable of Thieves
They stole us
stole our land
statues holy trees cut down
rum for diamonds, gold salt
but slaves most of all
how dare they work us for centuries
they grew rich and fat
we starved on hog guts
horse food made gourmet
how about the good ship jesus
full of souls wallowing in shit piss blood
and the white hats are good people
dutiful slaves evil
revolt evil resistance evil
demand reparations evil
critical race theory evil
don't tell our children we are devils like Elijah said
that's hate the hate produced
lie about the jeffersons not the tv nigger jeffersons
the real one with sally hemming in the next room with children in the dark
don't tell this american history lie lie lie
let our children eat lies til they puke
democrats lie republications same
lies lies lies
fatherfuckers and motherfuckers of lies.
you shall drown in denial
coke to death on lies
truth confounds you
what is truth your students ask
never heard of it smelled it kissed it
truth trampled under foot
enjoy yourself
but every statute shall return to africa
every boat full of souls longing for home at last. at last. at last.
--Marvin X