Tureeda Mikell, Michelle LaChaux, Ayodele Nzinga, Tarika Lewis celebrating the 80th b day of Dr. Nathan Hare at Geoffrey's Inner Circle, Oaklandphoto Gene Hazzard Crowsby anzinga |
In conversation with Crows
ancient obsidian
sentries of the gate between worlds
they remind me to stand
in my integrity to know
what I know and stay the path
WolfHawkJaguar told me
"Don't give up
before the miracle
I have left the door open
expecting Olokun to fill my plate
I am empty
all paid for sacrifice
I am open for
Crow wisdom
the knowledge carried by trees
the treasure found in
with the dirt
water both running & still
& the dead
I am open
to the transformation
Oya whispers in
the wind blowing me
closer to home
than I have ever been
I am open
to dancing the dance
my ancestors
visioned me bringing to
the world before
I was born
name or form
only purpose
I am open
to the wisdom
of those who
came before
those sent to guide me
& messages from
the universe
waiting for the dance
I stay the path
rocks and all
I remember
I am open
to calls from
the blue to
offer third-eye
from beyond
the pale
that remind me
I know what I know
I am who I say I am